Medea by Euripides and translated by Michael Collier and Georgia Machemer.
Directed by Miriam Grill, Set Design by John Trevellini and Lighting design by Eric Norbury, Choreography by Katherine McClintic, Sound design by Chris Moscatiello, Costume Assitant Designer by Brenna McShane, Wardrobe by Debi Jolly Holcomb. Produced by Columbia University MFA Theatre Program, Flexible Performance Space at Lenfest Center for the Arts in New York, New York. January 23-26, 2019.
“Costume designer Summer Lee Jack did a wonderful job of picking unforgettable clothing staples. Some highlights include Medea’s pink bathrobe, Jason’s gold-laced jacket and shoes, Creon’s military outfit, and the children’s blue pajamas.” — ALEJANDRA QUINTANA Columbia Spectator Review Click Here to Read the Review
Photos by AGMA photography and Mark Gurevich.